
Thursday, 25 August 2016

Baby steps

Learning to walk again isn't as simple as you may think, I want to run before I can walk because I just want to be able to do everything now and get my life back but unfortunately that's not possible, we have to do things slowly and take all the little things into consideration, there are many important things that I need to think about,  so even when I feel like the physio is nagging me I've got to persevere and think of every little thing, such as my posture as having a strong core is key to standing/walking and also doing everything slowly and not rushing because it doesn't help even though I'd like to have everything back asap. Well slow and steady wins the race right? 

I have a great relationship with my physios, twice a week I have physio from the community stroke rehab team and once or twice a week I have private physio at a specialist neurotherapy centre, both are amazing. I always annoy them every time I see them and plague them with questions such as when will I walk, so when I was saying  this to my private physio the other day she just said "this afternoon" I obviously didn't believe her but we did it! I took some of my very first steps, it felt amazing but it was kind of bittersweet as it made me realise just how long it is going to take to get back to being fully normal, because when I start to walk I will probably  most definitely need to use something to help like a stick, and still wear my foot splint to keep my foot in the right position, we are also working on my arm and hand but I have accepted that they take longer to come back as more of your brain is needed for the use of them. My physio isn't just in physio believe it or not, I do it daily with my Mum as she has been taught some things from the physios and this all helps towards my rehab. 

 Me and mum have a CAN do attitude, I may not be able to do things like I used to but we always find a way around it and this really helps. Not having my left side is what hurts me the most, sometimes when we're out in my wheelchair I look around at all the young people walking about and I can't help but think why isn't that me, but I know I will get there thanks to my amazing physios and my Mum.


  1. You will, slow and steady does wins the race. Just confidence and determination should be in your every step.

  2. Just confidence and determination should be in your every step.

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